Sargam Industries.

> Selective Silver Plating
> Electroless Nickel Plating
> Tin Plating
> Copper Plating
45 Years of
Sargam-Industry-Network Most preferred Low Cost Country (LCC) Partner
5 Manufacturing
Units in India
Nashik l Sinnar l Baroda
Pune l Aurangabad
Trusted by 50+ Global Customers

Looking for a metal plating solution?

Product Range

5 Manufacturing Units in India

LCC Partner

10+ Countries to which we export

Market leader in India

300+ Components shipped per month

Partners to Casting Vendor

We have been their trusted source for Silver on Casting for over



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    Our story – trust and relationships….

    Relationships across generations.Sargam supplied to ASEA ltd., then ABB Ltd. and now ABB-Hitachi Ltd.

    What they say…

    Sargam And Me

    My journey with Sargam Industries began in 1998 with a

    Sargam Electroplaters , Lead by Lokesh , Devesh & now

    Take off to the Golden Jubilee! The place, as a