Sargam Industries.

Unfolding from Archives …..!!

I happened to look at my archive folder of mail-box recently and interestingly found that exactly 11 years ago, on this date.. 21/6/2012, I had sent final audit report of initial audit of Aalap to Ms. Singdha !!! 11 years… down memory lane… I recall my first interaction with this ‘family organisation’ and then gradually developed nice relations with this family.!

I remember my first interaction, which was telephonic one with Ms. Singdha when initial audit was planned…

She wanted to know how and what about overall certification, the agenda for initial audit etc. I was scheduled for this audit and she wanted to collect these details… Of course, that time I wasn’t aware that she is one of the management team! I think, I could answer her all queries… !! we met on audit day on 11th June 2012…She and her ‘kaka’ (uncle ) welcomed audit team.. !

“This was my first ever experience of this organizational culture, and in first glimpse, it was clear that this was a very good blend of ‘family and professional’ culture… one senior member of the organization was even called upon by very closeness as ‘kaka’ !!”

As a part of audit, I went to terrace and Ms. Snigdha was surprised with that !! She expressed so, that till that date, for her, audit was more of documents checks !! During interactions through audit and specifically on lunch table, history and background of name Aalap, Sargam surfaced. I was amazed to know that this family has strong liking of music and specially classical music !! In fact, Ms. Snigdha has developed singing skills too…!! I too have strong liking towards Indian classical music and this became another common chord … going beyond audit and audit formalities!!

I must make a mention that post audit, when I shared the audit report, it was Ms. Snigdha who brought to my notice couple of typo errors needing correction! Indeed, it is such a great opportunity for an auditor to have an auditee like Ms. Singdha who would question, challenge and try to find out ways to improve, always!! All in a very healthy and constructive way!! During our auditing profession, we get to see many different cultures, meet hundreds of people, but very few of them make lasting impression.

This group ( Shevade group of electroplaters ) is such a group, will be always remembered for good memories…

and I feel proud to be associated with them!! This group over a period of time has grown and developed very well and still not forgotten or lost its family roots and culture!! Due to my changed roles over a period of time, I miss meeting this team frequently but it has become a part of routine that whenever I am in Nashik, I would call Ms. Snigdha just to say Namaskar and then some obvious informal talk!

It was my great opportunity to meet this group and my Best wishes to their entire ‘Musical’ team for all their future endeavors on this occasion of Sargam completing 45 years of its operations!!

– Sameer Pendse

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