Sargam Industries.

Why Sargam is my Gurukul?

“Visited Sargam for the first time somewhere in 1984. It was to get guidance from Babuji and Lokesh dada and to decide about starting a factory.”

Sargam then, was an ideal factory in my eyes.

I used to see Babuji dealing with a variety of jobs, attending to various customers, collecting cash from one-time customers,
being straight with tricky customers, discussing technical aspects with key customers, engaging ongoing in planning for timely deliveries, being parental to the Co-workers, dealing with quality issues, engaging in de jigging of small components to ensure reaching the committed delivery deadline, managing dispatches and local transport, experimenting new depositions, and so on!
It was so much of a practical experience!
I learned a lot of technical as well as management lessons there.

Though there was no formal training then, every moment had to offer me some incredible learning that has remained with me for a lifetime as a work culture.
This is why I relate to Sargam as my Gurukul!


– Sudhanshu Shevade
MD, CalibroMeasure Equipments Pvt Ltd

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